Rome, the capital of Italy, rises on the banks of the Tevere about 25 kilometers from its main outlet in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Rome is situated at the center of an undulating plain, the Campagna Romana, which is confined to one side by the hills of Monte Mario, Gianicolo and Monteverde and on the other side by smaller hills of volcanic origin - the so-called "Seven Hills."
Roma:The name inverts neatly to form amor[e]. No wonder that a natural occurrence is to fall in love with Rome, the fabled Eternal City, the city that exerts the most fascination in the mind of the traveler, and can reward as no other city can. Do not expect her playful, exuberant fountains to cease from casting their liquid diamonds into the sky, even during the quiet hours of the night, for there is no stopping the water-flow of her hundreds of miles of acqueducts, which will also be serving your hotel room. Yet, as no other city has been the focal point of the world for such a long period of time, few have such a long and turbulent history as has Roma. Lavished with architectural jewelry from republican to imperial to early-christian to medieval to renaissance to baroque to modern times by history's greatest artists, the queen of cities has also experienced sieges, raids, fires, and earthquakes that left their scars; but each time the Eternal City recovered from her injuries in glorious form.
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