Thursday, September 15, 2011

World Currencies and Related Information

World Currencies and Related Information

Currency Converter and Exchange Rates

Currency Converter and Exchange Rates How much Euro you can buy with 100 US dollar? Try our free currency converter using latest foreign exchange (forex) market rates for about 200 currencies. Our converter gives multiple outputs using interbank, ATM, credit card, and kiosk cash rates.

Currency and Fund Names and Codes - ISO 4217

Currency Codes and Names Do you know that the currency code for Japanese Yen is JPY? We have the official list of currency and fund names and codes defined in ISO 4217 published by International Organization for Standardization. There are 178 currency cods defined in ISO 4217.

Currency Decimal Places - ISO 4217

Currency Decimal Places Do you know that the number of decimal places used for Japanese Yen? We have the official list of currency decimal places defined in ISO 4217 published by International Organization for Standardization. For example, Japanese yen uses 0 decimal places and US dollar uses 2 decimal places as shown in ¥100 JPY = $1.30 USD.

Currency Symbols/Signs

Currency Symbols/Signs Looking for the currency symbol/sign for Euro? We have the official list of currency symbols/signs. Unicode sequences are also provided to help programmers. For example, Japanese yen ¥ can be entered with ¥ as an HTML entity or "\u00A5" as a Java/C++ character.

Country Look Up List by Currency

Country Look Up List by Currency Want to know what countries use Australian dollar? Our latest country look up list by currency tells you countries or territories where a given currency is officially used. This look up list is based on data extracted from ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 4217 publication.

Currency Look Up List by Country

Currency Look Up List by Country Want to know what currency is used in France? Our latest currency look up list by country tells you the official currency used by a given country or territory. This look up list is based on data extracted from ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 4217 publication.